miércoles, 14 de mayo de 2014

Conversation cards

1. What is your favorite kind of song?
          R: My favorite kind of song is Rap.

2. Can you play a musical instrument? If so, which one?
          R: Yes, I can play the guitar.

3. How often do you listen to music?
          R: I listen to music everyday.

4. Have your ever been to a concert or live show? Talk about it.
          R: I've never been to a concert.

5. Have you ever sung karaoke? Did you like it?
          R: Yes, I like to sing karaoke.

6. Do you like to sing? Why (not)?
          R: Yes, I like to sing, because I feeling happy.

7. How many CDs do you have? What is your favorite?
          R: I don't have CDs

8. Do you have an MP3-player? How often do you use it?
          R: No, I don't have a MP3-player.

9. Have you ever downloaded music from Iternet? Why?
          R: Yes, because it is free

10. Do you prefer music in English or in your own lenguage? Why?
          R: I prefer music in my own lenguage because I understand the lyrics.

11. Which musician or band would you most like to meet? Why?
          R: Chyste Mc because is my favorite singer.

12. Do you ever listen to loud music? When?
          R: Yes, when I'm home alone.

13. Can you dance? What is your favorite dance?
          R: Yes, my favorite dance is "Cueca".

14. Do you listen to music on the radio? What is your favorite radio station?
          R: Yes, my favorite radio station is "Carolina".

15. When you listen to music, do you try to understand the words (lyrics)?
          R: Sometimes.

16. Would you like to be a famous singer? Why?
          R: No.

17. What is your favorite singer?
          R: My favorite singer is Chyste Mc.

18. What is your favorite band? Why do you like it?
          R: I don't have favorite band.

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