lunes, 17 de agosto de 2015


1) Mice: Ratones. The mice are friends of Cinderella
Resultado de imagen para cenicienta ratones

2) Wand: Varita mágica. The fairy waved her magic wand.

3) Fairy: Hada. The fairy turned the mice into white horses.

4) Prince: Principe. Cinderella and the prince married.

5) Glass slipper: Zapatilla de cristal. Cinderella lost her galss slipper.

6) Coach: Coche o carruaje. Cinderella went to the ball in a beautiful coach.

7) Pumpkin: Calabaza. The pumpkin turned into a coach.

8) Dressed in rags: Vestido con harapos. Cinderella used dressed in rags.

9) Palace: Palacio. The prince lives in the palace.

10) Grand ball: Gran baile. The king organized a grand ball.

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